Authors & Presenters
Registration is Open!
How to Register
Authors, co-authors, speakers, and presenters are required to register as a Technical Program Attendee.
Exception: If the author/presenter is also an exhibitor, a registration may be obtained from their company using the Technical Exhibitor discount code.
Note: Each Exhibitor is allowed one Technical registration per booth space. This Technical registration gives access to all technical sessions and all the advantages of a full, 5-day Attendee registration. Talk to your company about how they prefer you to be registered.

Registration Requirements
Authors of Regular & Special Session Papers and Abstract-Reviewed Papers
After a paper is accepted, a technical IEEE EMC/SI/PI Symposium registration* and payment is required before the final paper submission deadline. If payment is not received by May 22nd, the paper will not be published or presented – no exceptions.
*5-Day or 1-Day Technical Program registrations are acceptable; the exact day may be changed later to suit paper presentation schedule.
Make a note of the registration confirmation number, as it will be required in the submittal process of the final papers and charts. Also note that authors of papers must include a completed IEEE copyright form in the final submission or the paper will be removed from the program.
Any author failing to meet these requirements will have their paper removed from the program; it will not be included in the Symposium Record and the paper will not be published.
Workshop and Tutorial Presentations
After a presentation is accepted, a Technical Program IEEE EMC/SI/PI Symposium registration is required before the final submission deadline. Any presenter failing to do so will have their presentation removed from the program and it will not be included in the Symposium Record. Also, please note that if too many speakers from a single Workshop or Tutorial session are not registered by the deadline, the entire session may be cancelled.
Experiments and Demonstrations
Presenters of Experiments & Demonstrations are expected to register for the IEEE EMC/SI/PI Symposium with, at the least, a 1-Day Technical Program registration (the exact day may be changed later to suit the presentation schedule). If your Experiment or Demo includes a slide deck to be projected within the booth, please furnish your own presentation laptop with an HDMI output capable port or adapter, and the slide deck loaded and ready for your presentation.
IEEE EMC-S Policies
No-Show Policy for Abstract-Reviewed Papers
If an author/speaker fails to attend the Symposium and present the paper, that paper will not be published in IEEE Xplore. The only exception to this policy will be for authors with personal emergencies and who have contacted the Technical Program Chair (TPC) in advance. Exceptions shall be dealt with on a case by case basis by the TPC, then the Symposium Chair, and then by the EMC-S VP of Conferences if needed.
No-Show Policy for Abstract-Reviewed Papers
If an author/speaker fails to attend the Symposium and present the paper, their one page A-R paper will not be published in IEEE Xplore and the author will not get an invitation to submit a full length paper to the IEEE Letters on EMC Practice and Applications (L-EMCPA). The only exception to this policy will be for authors with personal emergencies and who have contacted the Technical Program Chair (TPC) in advance. Exceptions shall be dealt with on a case by case basis by the TPC, then the Symposium Chair, and then by the EMC-S VP of Conferences if needed.
No-Show Policy for Workshop/Tutorial Presentations
If any Workshop or Tutorial speaker fails to attend the Symposium and give their presentation, that speaker shall not be accepted for presentations of any sort for three years. The only exception to this policy will be for presenters with personal emergencies and who have contacted the Technical Program Chair (TPC) in advance. Exceptions shall be dealt with on a case by case basis by the Symposium Chair, then by the EMC-S VP of Conferences if needed.